We have set up this website to help you get ready for what you need to know for the ski trip and for your own peace of mind.
Booking through the website is available but you can also talk to your form teacher or dial using the contact information provided.

Welcome image

Want to find out more?

Introductory Video

Essential but brief information on what you need to know about this upcoming ski trip is the following:

  1. You probably already know this, but we are going to Chamonix in France which is bordered near Italy and Switzerland. The snow remains all year round which makes it the perfect destination!

2. You will need to pay in installments every two months (Initially £1500, then £800) to the teacher you've been assigned to. If you don't have any ski gear, you will need to pay an additional £250.

There's so much more to do and see about Chamonix.
If we've won you over, please go back to the top of the page and click the page/button you're interested in.

3. The trip will commence on the 9th April 2020 and last 1½ weeks from the 9th - 19th.

5. Don't worry if you've never skied before, we will be providing lessons to beginners in association with the Chamonix Ski school.

4. The activities are free!   You don't need to pay for anything else aside from the trip fee.

Cash and cheques accepted, no card

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