This is a plan on what we'll be doing on each day of the trip.

The first and last day of the trip will be exclusive to travelling.
  • You will have to wake up earlier and arrive to school no later than 8:30. Head to the foyer, your teachers will be waiting.
  • A coach (provided by Translink) will take us to Belfast International and will arrive there by 9:30.
  • We will be flying easyJet to Geneva Airport in Geneva. Carry-on luggage is allowed.
  • We will be taking another coach (Snow Express) that will take us to our destination, Chamonix!
  • We'll be walking for a bit through the city centre to get to Hotel de L'arve, and then we're there!
  • You are free to do whatever you want afterwards, whether that be going to the sauna or going nightclubbing, just be back before 10pm.
Day 2
  • To familiarise yourself with Chamonix and its surrounding areas, we will be taking a tram ride, specifically on the Tramway du Mont Blanc.
  • The ride provides superb views of the many mountains you will (hopefully) be skiing on.
This will be for experienced skiers
You will follow your supervisor and take on traditional courses at the resort.
Your supervisor will be on stand-by incase an incident occurs.

What we'll be doing on the other days

  • We will be staying at Mont Blanc for a while so that you can take photos and take a look at the route we will be skiing (You will be split into groups and be supervised by a teacher).
  • When we are finished, we'll meet each other at the tram station and take the return journey.
  • When we're back at the city centre, we'll have lunch at the Natifs Cafe before going back to the hotel.
  • Dinner will be at the hotel, so you don't need to worry about going out again.

You will need your hiking equipment for this day!

Day 5

Imagine yourself at the summit!

This is the day we'll finally be skiing!

Group 1

We will go to the Teleskis du Savoy, the nearest ski resort to our hotel.

When we are at the ski lifts, you will be split into two groups depending on your experience of skiing.



This group will be for people who are beginners at skiing.
Lessons will be provided by the Chamonix ski school and you will meet with them.

Group 2


The skiing lessons (Group 1) will last for approx. 1½ hours whereas the session for Group 2 will last for 2 hours.

When we are finished skiing for the day, we will go to the Altitude 2000 restaurant for our dinner.

That will be us finished for the day and then we'll head back to the hotel.


We will be returning to the ski resort, but this time on a hike.

Day 3

  • We will go to the ski lifts like yesterday and be split into two groups again.
  • Group 1 will go with Mr Jones on a normal, leisurely hike trail where you will get to see the many beautiful sights of the surrounding area.
  • Group 2 will go with Mrs Kay or Miss Logan on a more intense hike trail where climbing will be involved e.g. traversing up rocks. Likewise, you will get to view similar landscapes once we reach the peak of the hike.

You will also receive a map similar to these to familiarise yourself

Please note - we will be departing for each activity at 11am sharp, so please be ready beforehand.
This will always be the case unless stated otherwise.

Make sure you have your own money with you.

Once both hiking trails are finished, we will go to the Altitude 2000 restaurant (again) for something to eat and then we will go back to the hotel.

Day 4

  • Beginners, you will spend another lesson with the Chamonix Ski School.
  • You will leave at 11:30am - head to the ski lifts at the Teleskis du Savoy, as always.
  • Your ski school teachers will then take you back to the practice course.
  • Later, you will also try an actual course to put your skills to the ultimate test. If you are still needing work then one of the teachers will kindly take you back to the practice course to help you.

Psst, your dedication will be rewarded, but we'll have to see about that!
When the lesson is over, your ski teachers will take you back to the ski lifts where you'll be taken down to your other teachers and then that'll be you for the day.

What may surprise you as much as we were, is that there's a beach (or swimming lake) a couple of miles away from Chamonix!

Day 6

The Lac de Passy (Lake Passy)

This day will be exclusive to people who are beginners at skiing.
Experienced skiers can spend free time at the hotel or the city centre.
  • We will be returning to the Teleskis du Savoy.
  • You will not be split into two groups, the beginners and the experienced will join together and rival each other to see who has improved the most throughout the trip.

Day 7

  • If you can, bring your beach equipment with you e.g. shovel, spade, suncream, shorts etc.
  • We will take a bus (or private coach; not yet decided) from Chamonix to the Clos Baron area at Passy.
  • We will then set up camp at an area on the beach and have our own barbecue such as hot dogs, burgers and kebabs!
  • We will be holding our own volleyball tournament in Boys V Girls matches with the first prize being a souvenir from the beach!

Time to put your ski skills to the ultimate test!

Listen up beginners, this will be the most important school day of your life. This day will determine on how far you've progressed since your first skiing lesson and to prove the experienced skiers wrong!

Trust me, you don't want to be in that situation!

  • This skiing session will last for approx. 2-3 hours (with an optional choice of a lunch break inbetween).
  • At the end of the session, the teachers will judge the best skier overall and who has improved the most since their first day of skiing.
  • Also, this will be the last day that we ski at the Teleskis du Savoy. In fact, this will be the last day that ski altogether!

Day 8

As the trip comes to an end, we will be doing more relaxed activities.

...the Mer de Glace Ice Caves!

The Mer de Glace has been a wonder of Chamonix for many years.
The attraction itself has many twists and turns around every corner and its combination of lights and sound make it an awe-inspiring atmosphere.

Enjoy its beautiful lights.

On day 8, we will be taking another train ride to...

What will happen on day 9?

This activity will depend on how the weather is on that day.
If the weather is bad, it will have to be rescheduled to a different day and we'll have to do something else.

When we eventually return to the Chamonix city centre, you are free to go shopping for anything you like!

I'm glad you asked, as we'll be going to none other than the Chamonix Pop Rock Festival!

  • The festival will begin at 4pm and will last for 4 hours until 8pm with a break between 6-7pm.
  • However, if you start feeling unwell during the festival then please get your teacher's attention and they will take you to a first aider.

  • As a result, we will be leaving the hotel much later than planned @ 3:30pm to make sure we arrive on time for when the festival starts at 4.
  • The music artists performing at the festival will be the likes of Major Lazer, David Guetta, Zedd, Normani, Route 94 & Shane Codd
Please note, we will be planning to have a huge dinner at the hotel so please don't try eating during the festival. Trust me, it will be worth it!
If (for some reason) you're still not tired, then feel free to head to a club with your friends to experience the nightlife of Chamonix for one last time!

If this itinerary has caught your attention, then you should go to the Contact us page and book a place. You better do it fast, because spaces are running out quickly!